Controtek’s Back-to-Back Events | March 2019
April 05, 2019
March ha been a bla t for Controtek, and it wouldn’t be po ible without you! We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone pecially tho e who made it to our event Continue reading to find out more about what
Bistek® – Smart Ulam Monitoring by Controtek
April 01, 2019
If you’re reading thi , we’re a uming you’re on the hunt of office Tirador ng Ulam, and you’re in dire need of a Smart Ulam Monitoring Today, you are in luck becau e it’ … APRIL FOOL’S!! Sorry to keep your hope up! Meanwhile, ju t keep a clo er eye on your food while our ulam monitoring i not
Digitalization, Digitization, and Digital Transformation – What’s the Difference?
January 31, 2019
The era of digital tran formation i more than ju t the buzzword being thrown here and there While mo t of the e jargon are di tingui hable from one another, ome are defined with fine line of difference that make them eem interchangeable which could cau e confu ion and mi communication An example of thi are the word digitization, digitalization, and digital tran formation
The Industrial Revolution: Powering the Future with Data
January 21, 2019
The Indu trial Revolution wa the tran ition to new manufacturing proce e From hand production method to machine , to new chemical manufacturing and iron production proce e , up to the increa ing u e of team power Thi on going proce ha now re ulted to more advanced development of machine tool and of cour e, the ri e of Smart Factory Sy tem But how exactly did thi affect the world from the time
Benefits of an Automated Water/Waste Water Facility
January 10, 2019
Comparing the Philippine a few year back up to the pre ent, indu trialization and urbanization of mo t area i apparent But de pite the advancement of technologie and increa ing acce ibility to common utilitie like water and electricity, we till have a long way to go One factor that we could improve on i the water quality and