Create a Safe Workplace with SOLUXION’s Remote Support! | Controtek Solutions
June 16, 2020
A we all know, COVID-19 ha brought u into a worldwide health cri i that affect our day-to-day live It ha di rupted even big ector uch a bu ine and manufacturing It require u to conform to what i now called the “new normal” A dreary a it ound , not everything hould be a dead-end Mo t of
Yes, this is an Industrial Computer | Beckhoff C6030
March 19, 2020
&nb p; 1,800 SQUARE FEET – that’ how big the fir t computer wa The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) wa invented at the Univer ity of Penn ylvania and took 3 year for it con truction to be completed With it ize, the computer pack a weight of almo t 50 pound (2268 kg)! For mo t of u , thi might
Our Commitment to You Amidst COVID-19
March 18, 2020
In light of the Luzon-wide community quarantine, Controtek Solution will be temporarily u pending it regular operation tarting March 17, 2020 until further notice At Controtek Solution , we are taking all the nece ary precaution to en ure that our operation tay efficient while adju ting our approache Limited operation are in place with our keletal team while
IIEE Eastern & Central Visayas Regional Convention 2019
August 02, 2019
The Integrated In titute of Electrical Engineer – Mactan Chapter held the annual IIEE Ea tern & Central Vi aya Regional Convention at bai Hotel, Mandaue City, Cebu la t July 26-27, 2019 Profe ional from the energy and power ector, building and con truction, and electrical engineer come together for the annual gathering where Controtek Solution introduced the po ibilitie of
Controtek Solutions Joins 19th IIEE ECV Regional Convention – Bai Hotel, Cebu
July 16, 2019
Controtek Solutions joins 19th IIEE ECV Regional Convention Maayong adlaw, Cebu! Controtek Solution will be participating in 19th IIEE Ea tern & Central Vi aya Regional Convention in Bai Hotel – Mactan, Cebu on July 26-27, 2019 Vi it u at Booth #36 and explore the way Smarter Automation improved energy management of indu trie uch a